Intro to Blog
A faded image of a flower, a mug of coffee, a notebook, a pencil, and a keyboard. Over it in large text is ‘Intro to Blog’ with an underline of ‘Adding Blogger to my Repetoire’
Game Dev, youtuber, pinch of graphic art, and now blogger! I’ve got a lot of thoughts on various things, and while twitter is great for certain things, long posts on topics are not it. So gonna be posting here, about various topics, possibly giving you guys little affiliate links and deals as a win win for all of us!
Do not fear, I shall still be making tutorials, and indeed plan to be creating more Niagara tutorials. What the people want, the people shall receive!
But here I can provide well thought out opinion pieces, perhaps some more written tutorials for those who aren’t fond of the video format, and more. Here you can find thoughts on UE5, the GPU shortage, as well as hardware for dev!
So enjoy the additional content, for those who enjoy reading over watching!