Large Games Sizes and What to Do
A post surveying various game devs on the issue of large file sizes.
Twitter Thread on the Mutter Museum
A copy pasting of a twitter thread on the Mutter Museum on to a hopefully longer lasting site!
Review of Two Mass Blockers Before Twitter Kicks the Bucket
A short review of Secateur and a lengthy review of BlockPartyApp all in one post!
Quick Blog: Let’s Talk Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons
A quickly written piece addressing what copyright is.
Creating an Accessible Workspace: How to Make Gamedev Accessible to You
A talk repurposed into a blog post about how to make your workspace accessible for you.
For Those Sticking Around Twitter
Info on browser extensions that make twitter more tolerable while also not giving Muskrat more money
I Don’t Know Where I’m Going But I’m On My Way
An update on my various shops and gigs in the interest in transparency.
Be a Light in the Darkness
I refuse to believe all is lost. Even when the darkness is looming over me, I will be a light in the darkness. I call on all of you in joining me in being lights. And maybe, just maybe, all together? That darkness will become a shadow to our joined light.
Not All is Lost: How We Can Use The Current GOP Implosion
In my tweet I mentioned Moderate Republicans should have an interest in voting rights legislation. This is due to the current GOP making moves to keep their base, while eradicating other voices, including those who just aren’t extreme enough. But this can be their undoing. The Reform America Movement has been supporting voting rights legislation, legislation which will give the non-extremists a chance.
Dear Mr. President
A letter written to President Joe Biden on January 7th, 2022 by Olivia Rose Wertheimer, put on a blog so all can see, share, and use to pressure him to do the right thing.
Thoughts on Nanite and Lumen
One of my recent videos was on photorealism within UE5, where I mentioned various things about Lumen, Nanite, and UE5’s potential. But due to the unscripted format, that also involved showing things off, as well as answering a specific question, not all of my opinions were revealed